Send Your Sunday Scaries Packing with These Helpful Tips

Send Your Sunday Scaries Packing with These Helpful Tips

We’re in love with Fridays. Mondays can be pretty manic – but Sundays? Oh, Sundays can be downright scary! The Sunday scaries are a real deal; in fact, they’ve even been studied. If you start to feel fear and anxiety creep in towards the end of the weekend, here are a few tips, tricks, and habits from Beautiful Mind World to help you overcome them and reclaim the rest of your time off. 

Get Up, Get Out, and Get Moving! 

We’re all for a Sunday session of streaming and couch surfing. If your Sunday relaxation habits have you feeling anxious, it may be time to get off the couch and get some exercise. 

  • Boosting your mood is all about increasing endorphins, and exercise can help! 

  • Before you become one with the couch, try to fit in an hour or so of fitness. Or at least get up between episodes for a quick but effective sweat session.

  • Don’t forget to drink plenty of water!

  • Bonus points for taking workouts outdoors. Time in nature can also help your mood.

  • Push yourself mentally, too. Why not explore the benefits of going back to school for a lucrative and highly marketable degree in cybersecurity?

Trade Sunday Pizza for Meal Prep

Mmm, nothing like treating yourself to a cheesy pizza to prepare for the week ahead, right? If you want to look and feel your best, you may want to put down that slice and do some prep. 

Save Sunday Evenings for Self-Care 

You’ve burned some calories and prepped some healthy meals. Maybe you even updated this week’s to-do list and calendar. But now it’s time to relax and unwind with a little self-care. 

  • Practicing more self-care is a top insider tip for chasing away those Sunday scaries. 

  • Meditation is a very effective practice for warding off feelings of anxiety

  • You can also boost your sleep with meditation and you need sleep to thrive! 

  • Also look into treatments for potential sleep issues, including sleep apnea. 

Mondays might be manic, but you can take back control of your Sundays! After all, giving into those Sunday scaries is like giving up valuable hours of your weekend. You could spend that time getting fit, eating healthy, studying for a career-building degree, and treating yourself to self-care instead. Then, you’ll be well-rested and refreshed enough to take on whatever challenges you face in the week ahead until it’s time to fall in love with that Friday feeling all over again.

Beautiful Mind World is here to help you make that change you’ve been considering. Call (818)-949-8478.


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