Declutter your mind - 7 Day Mind Detox Challenge

How many of us will be able to achieve our New Year Resolutions by the end of the year? Before we set on achieving our new year resolutions, let’s first declutter our mind. 

Why do we need to declutter our mind? Our mind is just like our body. We need to detox or cleanse once in a while in order for the best nutrients absorption and to stay healthy. 

Do you feel overwhelmed by stress or trapped by any emotions from daily life? Feel lack of motivation to get things done due to overthinking or worry? 

Let’s declutter your mind...try this 7-Day mind detox challenge. 


Day 1

When is the last time you really paid attention to your breathing pattern? Start today, give yourself 2 minutes, first thing after you wake up in the morning. Be mindful of your breathing. Gently notice how you’re breathing in and breathing out. Try a little deeper breathing in and breathing out. Very slowly and gently. Set your alarm for today, to remind yourself to do this 2 minute mindfulness breathing exercise. You can do it 3-10 times throughout the day.

Day 2

Pay attention to your body's unconscious movements. Be mindful of the way you walk, how you walk, feel your feet on the ground with the shoes on or without shoes. Just for today, try to pay a little more attention. Also, be mindful of how you eat. Gently notice how you chew your food, maybe slowing down a little, enjoy every bite and mindfully taste the food. 

Day 3

Find a few minutes quiet time, prepare a piece of paper with a pen. Let’s review your life, what makes you feel sad? Past and present…

Feeling sad is healthy, but do not magnify your sadness or convince yourself that you are a victim. You will be feeling good learning how to control your thoughts. Your thoughts bring emotions, emotions bring actions, actions create behaviors.

Tip #1: Switch off victim mode. Tell yourself you are not a victim. 

Tip #2: Since you are not a victim, ask yourself what can you do to change or adjust those sadness inducing situations. And remember you have the power to turn things around.

Day 4

Identify what makes you worry. Find some quiet time to write down all your worries. Worry brings fear, fear brings anxiety. By the time you finish writing down all your worries, I’m sure, some of you will experience that your heart may beat faster than normal, shallow and fast breathing pattern may occur and your body temperature might be a little warmer than normal...and for some of you, you might find yourself starting to sweat a little. 

Okay, now let’s pay attention to your breathing for a moment, slow down your breathing and take a few deep, deep breaths. Allow yourself to just focus on your body, with each and every breath, gently and slowly scan from your toes up to the top of your head. Next, come back to your mind. Focus on all the good that you want to happen. And remember the following quote…

“Worry is like a rocking chair: it gives you something to do but never gets you anywhere”

-Erma Bombeck

Day 5

Pay attention to your own self-talk. Be mindful of those quiet little voices inside your head. “Why bad things always happen to me?”... “Why I am the unlucky one?”... “Why this happen to me?”... “I don’t think I can do it”... and so on....  Remind yourself not to fill your head with negative self-talk. When you catch yourself doing this negative self-talk, try to use different words and structure your sentences in a positive way. Reinforce positive thinking to create positive outcomes in your life.

Day 6

Count your blessings and list 100 things or situations that you are thankful and grateful for. Write them down on a piece of paper. Focus on gratitude and give thanks for the things that you already have...

For example:

  • I am grateful for my good physical and mental health

  • I am grateful for opening my eyes this morning and being able to see this beautiful world

  • I am grateful for my friends

  • I am grateful ......

Day 7

Letting go. Let the past stay in the past. The future is not here yet. Focus on what you want to achieve, have faith and believe you deserve a wonderful life. It’s now time to write down your goals for the year. Be mindful and enjoy simple little things in the present moment. Be grateful. 

Want to learn more about how Hypnotherapy can help you achieve your goals? Contact us today to get a 20 minutes FREE online consultation.


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