Last Sunset 2018


Saying goodbye to the last sunset of 2018...
oh.. wait... the sun never rises or sets...
In fact, the sun never moves
It is only an illusion... An illusion created by our earth’s rotation 
An illusion that makes us see the sun cross the sky
Beginning or ending...
Time is only an illusion
It’s up to your own perspective 
and what you believe in... Do not believe what you see...
What you see is based on your angle 
Do not believe in what you feel...
What you feel is up to your mind
Where is the past or the future...
These are only an illusion
What do we really have?
only the present moment...
Seeing the good, feeling the joy 
and always have hope... Live life to the fullest 
and be grateful for every single moment...
Much happiness and many blessings for the coming year!
Happy New Year!! 💕


Power of Thought


5 simple mind-calming and meditation tips for the beginner